

The following classes have to be implemented to expose functionality as OData service

  • [Optional] _ENTITY_ (Data entity class)
  • _ENTITY_ (Public entity class)
  • _ENTITY_ValidatorTest (Test class for entity validator)
  • _ENTITY_Validator (Entity validator)
  • _ENTITY_ManagerTest (Test class for entity manager)
  • _ENTITY_Manager (Public entity manager)
  • _ENTITY_sController (OData controller)
  • [Optional] _ENTITY_DataManager (Data entity manager)

_ENTITY_ is a placeholder for the name of the corresponding entity.

Data Entity

The data entity class, which represents the persistence layer resides in project Net.Appclusive.Internal under Domain\_DOMAIN_\_ENTITY_.cs, where _DOMAIN_ is a placeholder for the corresponding domain.

The following steps have only to be executed, if the _ENTITY_ will be persisted in the database.

  • Register entity set in ApcDbContext
  • Add new migration by executing Add-Migration MigrationName in Package Manager Console of Visual Studio 2015

There are two types of data entities, DataEntity and SecuredEntity. In contrast to DataEntity SecuredEntity contains a foreign key to an Acl.


using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace Net.Appclusive.Internal.Domain._DOMAIN_
    public class _ENTITY_ : DataEntity
        public string Value { get; set; }

Public Entity

The public entity class resides in project Net.Appclusive.Public under Domain\_DOMAIN_\_ENTITY_.cs, where _DOMAIN_ is a placeholder for the corresponding domain. This class has to be implemented even if there is no representation of the _ENTITY_ in the database.


using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace Net.Appclusive.Public.Domain._DOMAIN_
    public class _ENTITY_ : PublicEntity
        public string Value { get; set; }

Entity Validator

The Validator class resides in project Net.Appclusive.Core under Domain\_DOMAIN_\_ENTITY_Validator.cs, where _DOMAIN_ is a placeholder for the corresponding domain.


using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using Net.Appclusive.Public.Domain._DOMAIN_;
using Net.Appclusive.Public.Validation;

namespace Net.Appclusive.Core.Domain._DOMAIN_
    public class _ENTITY_Validator : BaseEntityValidator<_ENTITY_>
        public override _ENTITY_ ForCreate(_ENTITY_ entityToBeCreated)

            return base.ForCreate(entityToBeCreated);

        public override _ENTITY_ ForUpdate(_ENTITY_ modifiedEntity, _ENTITY_ originalEntity)

            return base.ForUpdate(modifiedEntity, originalEntity);

Public Entity Manager

The public entity manager class resides in project Net.Appclusive.Core under Domain\_DOMAIN_\_ENTITY_Manager.cs, where _DOMAIN_ is a placeholder for the corresponding domain.


using TPublicEntity = Net.Appclusive.Public.Domain._DOMAIN_._ENTITY_;
using TSecuredEntity = Net.Appclusive.Internal.Domain._DOMAIN_._ENTITY_;

namespace Net.Appclusive.Core.Domain._DOMAIN_
    public partial class _ENTITY_Manager : PublicSecuredManagerBase<TPublicEntity, TSecuredEntity>
        public override ActionConfigurationMap ActionMap => ActionConfigurationMap.For<_ENTITY_Manager>();

        public _ENTITY_Manager(ISecuredManagerBase<TSecuredEntity> manager) 
            : base(manager)
            // there is nothing to do here

        public override TPublicEntity Template()
            var template = base.Template();

            template.Value = nameof(TPublicEntity.Value);

            return template;


The ODataController resides in project Net.Appclusive.WebApi under OdataServices\_ENDPOINT_\_ENTITY_sController.cs, where _DOMAIN_ is a placeholder for the corresponding domain and _ENDPOINT_ has to be replaced with Core, Diagnostics, ...


using Net.Appclusive.Core.Domain;
using TPublicEntity = Net.Appclusive.Public.Domain._DOMAIN_._ENTITY_;

namespace Net.Appclusive.WebApi.OdataServices.Core
    public partial class _ENTITY_sController : CoreEndpointControllerBase<TPublicEntity>
        public _ENTITY_sController(IPublicManager<TPublicEntity> entityManager, AppclusiveODataValidationSettings validationSettings)
            : base(entityManager, validationSettings)
            // there is nothing to be done here

Data Entity Manager

The data entity manager class resides in project Net.Appclusive.Core under Domain\_DOMAIN_\_ENTITY_DataManager.cs, where _DOMAIN_ is a placeholder for the corresponding domain.


using System;
using Net.Appclusive.Core.Cache;
using Net.Appclusive.Internal.Domain.Configuration;

namespace Net.Appclusive.Core.Domain.Configuration
    public class _ENTITY_DataManager : SecuredManagerBase<_ENTITY_>
        public _ENTITY_DataManager(DataManagerBaseContext ctx)
            : base(ctx)
            // there is nothing to do here