Development Environment

  1. Checkout the following repositories to C:\src
  2. Perform the following steps for each of the before mentioned repositories
  3. Setup file database
    • Open Package Manager Console in Visual Studio 2015
    • Select Net.Appclusive.Core as Default Project
    • Execute Update-Database

Initialise Database

  1. Execute Add-ApcSpecialEntities.ps1 in PowerShell console as follows .\Add-ApcSpecialEntities.ps1 -ConnectionType LocalDB

  2. Execute Add-ApcCrudPermissions.ps1 in PowerShell console as follows .\Add-ApcCrudPermissions.ps1 -ConnectionType LocalDB

To add some demo data execute Add-ApcExampleData.ps1 in PowerShell console as follows .\Add-ApcExampleData.ps1 -ConnectionType LocalDB